Full Episode #8: How Are Marty Watts, Spanish Flu, Cricket, Baseball, & Amazing Grace All Related?

The story of perserverance, inspiration and almost no Marty Watts due to the Spanish Flu. Even more amazing is the fact that cricket made its way to baseball and Amazing Grace is the sweet sound of the heritage of western civilization, and much more…All while walking though a conversation between @Wally Drangmeister and @Martin Watts.

Stay tuned. We seek to entertain.

Full Episode 6: Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire, Stephen Watts Kearny

Conversation about the great rise and fall of baseball including Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Reggie Jackson, performance enhancing drugs, Stephen Watts Kearny and how he wins the Battle of New Mexico to it a US Territory and other NM History and much more…All while walking though a conversation between @Henry Tafoya and @Martin Watts.

Stay tuned. We seek to entertain.


Movie 61: